Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Image made by type fonts

This image was interesting to me because from afar it looked like a real life photo or even a realistic painting or drawing. But, when looking at it up close you realize that the image is made up by words and fonts. In the backround there is a interpreted Apple Mac icon. I sometimes don't understand people's obsessions with Macs. Shouldn't a Mac break at one point? The image looks to be created with alot of layering and values. Simply the image could not be made without values. Because the values add the depth to the image.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Oil painting

what's the problem here ?

photoshop disasters

I came across this great website that I can't believe I've never come across before. Anyone in this class definitely needs to take a look at this. I now regularly go to this website- they add new images almost everyday, and you can submit anything that you see as well. This is just a compilation of really bad photoshop, and a lot of this stuff is published in major magazines and ads. This is definitely NOT what you want to happen to you once you've landed a job. This kinda thing would ruin your career.
PHOTOSHOP DISASTERS (just to warn you, it gets really addicting to look at.) Enjoy!
Monday, October 19, 2009

This Elvis Presley wannabe looks like he just took a big bite out of a piece of star bursts laced with acid. There is too much clutter and it looks like really low grade graphic design work with the execution of mainly cut and paste images. I do give credit that most images seem to be originally made by the artist but just the placement of the images make it look cheap.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
blog response
Critique Article
Another point that I really agree with is when he says "Think before you speak." Making sure that your comment is going to make sense and actually be helpful is something that is easy to bypass when you are just trying to say something. If your voice is heard, making sure that useful information is included is really important as designers.
Knowing how to both give and receive a quality critique is something that is critical in the design world. On the receiving end, if you hear everything that has been said, and do nothing to better what you are presenting, what good is the critique doing. If someone says that a piece could use some work, instead of possibly taking offense, it is important to actually do something to make your work as good as it can possibly be.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Devin Sherin
As I read this article I would say I would agree with what Jason is saying. When you first learn about what a critique is its kind of nerve racking and you are nervous to talk. There were two things that stood out to me the most as I was reading. The first thing was design is not about innovation. Design is about communication. Which I agree with and the other fact that I agreed strongly with was, that critiques are two-way conversations. I think that critiques are important for any job that involves displaying some sort of work to others. Especially, when you’re in the field of art, management and advertising. Critiques help the person learn about themselves and how to fix their problems and how to better them without taking the person so seriously. It is a great technique and should be used by many jobs.
Monday, October 12, 2009

For this Wednesday
Alexander Gelman Swatch

According to designmachine.com designer Alexander Gelman designed and supervised the design of over a hundred Swatch watches in the 1997-98 production year. This particular design is visual disorienting which creates interest. The watch is functional but I believe the design could impead easily reading the time shown. The design is good, interesting and functional.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Tomahawk


This image is a depiction of city life. In it there are many many things going on. The entire piece keeps your eye constantly in motion. The artist has captured people going about their everyday lives, as well as some extraordinary occurrences. I feel like this is definitely the artists own depiction of the city. The whole piece definitely feels alive, and like anything can happen here.

I came across this image while searching for inspiration for my thumbnails. It think that it is a good representation of how different materials and forms of art can be combine to create one image. All together, this collage of sorts has created an effective piece of imagery that represents an interesting mix of life. It seems to feel like it is representing life in a city. There are areas that are modern and sleek combined with references to the classic works of past eras.
Sunday, October 4, 2009

I choose this image because of its modern style of graphic design. Its very organic and loose, the focal point of the image is in the middle which represents the DJ and his turn table. But, the person itself is not highly detailed its just the outline of the person while everything going on around the person is going crazy in rich detail.